I like the theme and it is a challenge, "Twisted and Tortured prims"
Well, I never did this with much attention when building, but yesterday I had a beautiful sunday playing and torturing things, I like that, lol !
Do you know that feeling when you are very concentrated, you go almost in a trance...?
I do, also when reading a book or watching an exciting film, that happens to me, the world is standing still and I'm moving into another, not necessarily a virtual world but my own :-)
I said it would be a BIG composition for the next Art Fest and indeed it IS BIG :-)
luckely we got a 30x30 meters size plot to put up... so we have to go into the sky if we have a lot of ideas.
The pictures show only the first part. I started with 1 idea but it evolved to 3 levels, had no problem finding a name for it :-) yep I have "A Tortured Brain"